133 The updater has successfully changed and updated your configuration.\nBefore you can use the program, you should restart your computer.\nDo you want to restart your computer now ?
134 Initialize %s
135 No process of %s found
136 %s closed.
137 Starting %s sucessfull
138 Could not start %s
139 No rasapi is available.
140 start pending
141 No enum is available.
142 Keyfile: OK [FULL Mode]
143 Can not read the file configuration file %s
144 Reboot is necessary to finish update
145 [PLG]
146 Could not create registry entry: %s
147 Registry entry created sucessfull: %s
148 Deleting registry entry failed: %s
149 Deleting registry entry sucessfull: %s
150 Deleting registry value failed: %s
151 Deleting registry value sucessfull: %s
152 Copy file %s to %s
154 Keyfile: EVAL License [EVAL Mode]
157 Keyfile: DEMO License [DEMO Mode]
158 Engine version old: %s
159 Keyfile: Key expired [DEMO Mode]
160 Engine version new: %s
161 Keyfile: No valid license found [DEMO Mode]
162 VDF version old: %s
163 Keyfile: License has been rejected [DEMO Mode]
164 VDF version new: %s
165 Keyfile: Invalid FUP type [INVALID Mode]
166 Start time: %s
167 Keyfile: No keyfile or error [DEMO Mode]
168 Required time: %s
169 Update of $#PRODUCTNAME$
170 Downloaded bytes: %d
171 The initialisation of the updater failed.
172 Dialup: %d
173 The resourcefile %s is missing.
174 Downlaoded file(s): %d
175 You must have admin rights to update this software
176 With stop of the programs an error has appeared.
177 Another instance of this updater is already running. Please wait for the other instance to finish and then try again
178 +++-$#PRODUCTNAME$-+++-REBOOT-necessary+++
179 Please reboot your system before using updater
180 The updater can not find the installed product
181 The file %s must be updated and need a reboot to reload it.
182 stop pending
183 running
184 paused pending
185 paused
186 installation of shellextension sucessfull
187 installation of shellextension failed
188 shellextension removed sucessfull
189 removing of shellextension failed
190 shellextension is installed
191 shellextension is not installed
192 UpdLib of $#PRODUCTNAME$
193 selftest sucessfull: %s
194 This version of\n%s\nis not serialised!\nThe self-test will not be carried out.
195 The file size of\n%s\n has been changed! This could be due to a virus!\nDo you want to shut down Setup?
196 File not found! Self-test was not carried out.
197 The CRC sum of\n%s\nhas been changed! This could be due to a virus!\nDo you want to shut down Setup?
198 Out of memory! Shutting down Setup.
199 Installation of the LSP was sucessfull
201 Installation of the LSP was not sucessfull
202 Removing of the LSP was sucessfull
203 Removing of the LSP was not sucessfull
204 Installation of $#LONG_CPLNAME$ sucessfull
205 Installation of $#LONG_CPLNAME$ failed
206 Reading registry value sucessfull: %s
207 Reading registry value failed: %s
208 Installation of $#DEF_IESCAN_NAME$ sucessfull
209 Installation of $#DEF_IESCAN_NAME$ failed
210 Removing of $#DEF_IESCAN_NAME$ sucessfull
211 Removing of $#DEF_IESCAN_NAME$ failed
212 $#DEF_IESCAN_NAME$ is running
214 $#DEF_IESCAN_NAME$ is not running
215 Update was successfully.
216 Update was not successfully.
217 Update was not executed successfully. Either the update was cancelled, or an error has appeared.